The match between "Barlos" club and "India Club Tashkent" teams

08 November 2022    

Match details of the 2nd friendly cricket match between "Barlos" club and "India Club Tashkent" held on June 20 at the stadium of the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan.

Barlos club played a great game and overtook ICT by 80 points in just 4.5 overs. Zubayr's contribution to the team was great in achieving this quick result. He scored 56 points and was recognized as the "Best Player" of the match. Hassan also showed good shots and scored 14 points.

In summary, Barlos won by 9 wickets.

"The best player", "The best bowler" and "The best batsman" were awarded with cash prizes to encourage cricketers and teams of Uzbekistan.

We congratulate you on the victory!